Translation Challenge! If anyone is willing
Domenico Contegiacomo and Stella Franzoso Marriage
1839 Castellana, Pg32, #14
If possible to translate all information. Hopefully, you can make out the names of the parent's ages and dates. Thank you...
Aha! This couple had some pre-marital action! I didn't notice it looking at Francesco's 1833 birth record, but at the bottom of the front of the page you see this:
"e di riconoscerlo per suo figlio" - he recognized the child as his. A key giveaway that the parents aren't married.
So I would have expected to see in their 1839 marriage promessa (based on others I have seen in Bari province) an acknowledgement and legitimization of this child. I don't see that, though.
Promessa dated 9 Feb 1839, church marriage 11 Feb 1839
Domenico Contegiacomo, age 31, tailor, born and residing in Castellana, son of Francesco and of Isabella Mancini
Stella Franzoso, age 31, born and residing in Castellana, daughter of Pietro (deceased) and of Angela Maria Sabbatelli
Wow!! You read the faded writing very well....
Curious if you noticed the backside and any information on Domenico and Stella's parents such as their age.
Agostino the son of Domenico and Stella also had children before he married. I didn't think they did things like that back Thank you so much for the translation.
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You have to send an email to the church to further clarify the information. Take a look at this document:
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Thank you Andressa. I love the information.
I’m having a hard time finding the early 1800’s 1807-1809 Castellana. Trying to find the birth records in the early years and the 1700’s. I must be missing something. Could you direct me how to find those years?
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Civil records began in the south in 1809. Before that time there are only church records, and it's very rare to find them online. You would have to contact the churches directly (and most likely work through an on-site researcher in Italy).
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Ages of parents are not given in this record format (about 1820-1850), only if they are living or deceased.
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Thanks so much for letting me know about the records. All is very appreciated!!