help translate death record of my grandmother's twin brother
I am trying to verify if this is the death record of my Grandmother's twin brother... our family was never told his name, I'm not even sure if she knew. I just know he passed away when they were in St. Petersburg and I don't believe he was even a year old. She was born June 1923. Their father's name is Eugene (Evgeny) so I believe this is him. If anyone can translate the names; dates; locations; causes of death; etc. I would be very grateful!
Kristin Kolk
civil registry buraeu in Central distict of Leningrad
record made: 21.06.1924
sex: male
name: Flyaksberger Yuri Evgenyevich (son of Evgeniy)
age: 1 year 15 days (born 03.06.1923)
date of death: 20.06.1924
place of death: Mayorov prospect, house #18 apartment #12
lived at: same address
occupation: child
marital status: child
cause of death: enterocolitis
authority who issued the death certificate: outpatient clinic at the Palace of Labor
who notified of death: Flyaksberger Evgeniy, Mayorov prospect, house #18 apartment #12
burial place: Mitrofanyevskoye cemetery
signature of person who reported the death (Evgeniy)
signature of the person who made the record
Can you tell me how you found this record? There are thousands of death records for Leningrad, scattered all over various files in, grouped only by the districts and the districts can be large. Did you know the district already and had someone look through one district records for one particular year? I'm struggling to locate some records for people who were living in Leningrad, can't imagine how one would manage this without the knowledge of language or maybe I am missing some database indexing these somewhere?
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I had no idea what district to look in, I've been extremely fortunate to have stumbled upon a forum:
I found them on accident through a google search several months ago but joined after hitting numerous road blocks with the actual archives. I recently created a family page on it and several people sent messages with information they had access too. I've been trying to put everything together.
Thank you for the translation!!!