Translation of birth record from 1875 in Family Search.
Please provide translation for birth record of Gemma Michelina Palmira Mauro born 1875 entry number 195 and image number 1156. Film #007417064 from Family Search. URL is:
FYI, for post-1874 Italian records FamilySearch has these very useful templates for understanding the entries:
3 Oct 1875 - Angela Migliore, 51, midwife, declared that on the 29th of the preceding month a female baby was born at #3 Via Largo Marcello to Maria Valva, age 22, wife of Andrea Mauro, age 34, well-to-do, given the name Gemma Michelina Palmira.
The midwife made the declaration in place of the father as she attended the birth and the father was away from town.
Cousin Vinny,
Thank you for your translation. Your work is invaluable to those of us who don't understand Italian and struggle with understanding what the written word might be. Thanks for your help.
B. Anderson