Translation of солдатка
I'm working on translating/transcribing taxation records from Molokan/Russian sectarian villages in the Caucasus in the 1800s. In some of the records single women with children are referred to as soldatka / солдатка and I don't know how to translate this. Does it mean one of the following: A soldier's widow? A woman soldier? A widow? A single woman?
I'm adding a screenshot of a record that lists a soldatka.
Molokans and other sectarians were generally pacifists and tried to avoid military service, so I think it's less likely that this has something to do with military service and more likely that it's a euphemism for a single woman or a widow.
Appreciate any help!
солдатка is a wife of someone who serves or served in the army. If a widow, most of the time that would be explicitly mentioned like солдатка Анна Иванова вдова
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Thank you! It's very helpful because I wasn't expecting to see so many people in military service in this community.