1788 Taufen record Vandsburg
I need help reading this script.
=== My Transcription ===
17 Sep. C. Schmidt S[ohn] [Daniel?] [H??itt]. [1?] [?] [gst?, gestorben?] 24 Sept
17 Sep. C. Schmidt S[ohn] Daniel Vormitt[ags]. [1?] Uhr [gst?, gestorben?] 24 Sept
My comments: the sign before Uhr seems to be an unusal number 1; there are several occurances in the line above and with the date(s) ("17. Sep"). I am not sure about the abbreviation? before 24 Sept; it might help to see the whole page for comparison with other occurances.
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@Ulrich Neitzel ... Attached is a screenshot of a larger section of that same page.
Yes, I've come across the unusual scribal "1" elsewhere in this registry. First time I've encountered it.
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Thank you @Robt_Nielsen !
Yes, a bigger picture always helps 😁. The unusal (almost strange) "1" is used everywhere on this page and seems obvious now.
I am still a bit puzzled what type of register this is. Apparently It lists births as can be seen from the times given: e.g., Morg. 3 Uhr (3 am) or Morg. 4 Uhr (4 am) or Abends 11 Uhr (11 pm). It lists also deaths for some of the children, indicated by "+". Some death dates are several years after birth, up to 7.5 years for the children born on 8 and 17 August 1788.
On the other hand there is very little evidence about baptisms. Usually you would expect a date and a listing of the baptismal sponsors. The only hint may be the abbreviation in the entry you asked for: it may be gt (for getauft) 24 Sept, i.e. a week after birth. Another occurence of gt is in the entry for the birth on 21 April 1788.
Still one wonders why the baptism should be noted only for a few?