Johann Martin Wenz birth 20 July 1791 mother Anna Maria Scholl right side film 102078348 page 658

Kent Gardiner
Translation request:
Good afternoon Kent,
Translation: On the 20th of July [1791] midday at 2:00 pm born and on the 22nd of the same month baptized: Johann Martin [Wenz].
Father: Johann Adam Wenz, the local citizen and master mason.
Mother: Anna Maria, née Schollin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Christoph Hupf, the local non-citizen resident, and (2) his wife Margaretha Catharina, née Kohbaldin. (3) Magdalena Wernerin, surviving legitimate unmarried daughter of the late Joh[ann] Jacob Werner, former citizen and master blacksmith here.
Right column: + [died].
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Good afternoon Robert, do you ever rest? You are like the Energizer Bunny, nothing can stop you!!! Thanks, Kent
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You're welcome, Kent.