Translation help - baptism record from Ringenwalde, Kr. Templin

Need help translating the baptism record #184 for Johann David Schulze born Nov 1783.
His father is Johann David Schulze and may be a weaver and soldier.
This record can be found on at
Thank you, Myke Rachu
Hello @Myke Rachu
left column: 1 November [1783], Ringenw[alde], son of a soldier, ??
center column: a son was born to Johann David Schulze, local master yarn weaver and soldier of the von Wunsch's Infantry Regiment at Prentzlow, from the company of Major von Barner, by his wife Maria Elisab[eth] née Japcke, and was baptized on 16 November.
Sponsors: 1) Christian Arndt, a soldier; 2) Ludewig Gleich, a day laborer; 3) Fridr[ich] Japcke, master bricklayer here; 4) Mrs. Louisa Gleichen, née Krüger; 5) Mrs. Doroth[ea] Elisab[eth] Hoff
right column: Joh[ann] David
My comment: The regiment Johann David Schulze served in was the Old Prussian Infantery Regiment No. 12 (, commanded by General Johann Jakob von Wunsch (
Prentzlow (now Prenzlau) in Meyers:
Thank you very much for the translation and the extra information about the military. Much appreciated.
Myke Rachu