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# 34
Zuzella, the 22 May 1900
Before the undersigned Civil Registrar appeared today
The Auszügler (person on life estate) August HYTREK, residing in Zuzella and declared that Barbara HYTREK, nee GAIDA, wife of the quarter farmer August HYTREK,
both Catholic Religion, residing with her husband in Zuzella,
(part of the village boundaries) in the apartment of her husband, gave birth on the 19th May 1900, at 4 am, to a little girl.
The girl received the name of Cölestine.
The declarant stated that he was present, at the side of his wife Barbara HYTREK.
Remark: Above one thing was crossed out (however, I can’t see that remark, unless it was the one line)
Read and signed by
The Civil registrar
This entry agrees with the entry in the main register
Zuzella, the 22 May 1900