Peter Zimmermann mar 17 Oct 1786 to Christina Kemmin film 102078348 page 826
Translation request:
Good morning @Kent Gardiner,
[Married] on the 17th of October [1786]: Peter Zimmermann, surviving legitimate son of the late Johann Caspar Zimmermann, former citizen here, with Christina, née Kemmin, and Johanna Catharina, née Holzin, legitimate daughter of Mr. Joh[ann] Christoph Holz, the local citizen, master butcher, innkeeper at the sign of the stag, and local area postmaster, with the late Magdalena, née Kemm.
Left column: [married] because of premarital relations.
Lower left corner: Quarterly report.
Robert, Peter Zimmermann was born 15 Feb 1764 to Johann Caspar Zim,ermann b 1739 and Christina Magdalena Kemm b 1741. He married Johanna Catharina Holz, as seen above, 17 Oct 1786 and they had seven children. Their first child was born the month after their marriage on 18 Nov 1781. The child, Johanna Magdalena Zimmermann lived to 4 Nov 1821 or 34 years. In spite of such a short live Johanna Magdalena married 25 April 1809 to Jakob Friedrich Kemm and they had at least three children.
Thanks for the beautiful translation!! KG
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You're welcome, KG.