I Translated Parish Marriage record but doesn’t make much sense
Dear Friends (Mi amici):
Although I do not read nor write much Italian, I translated the following parish marriage record using Google Translate. Any help to comprehend the meaning would be most appreciated (especially at the beginning and the end). Thank you, in advance, for any assistance.... Grazie mille....
With thanks,
Innocenzo Bronte & Francesca Verruggia. Parish Marriage. Entry no. 7, p. 63, Image 34 of 300. Matrimoni 1857 – 1876, Santa Maria Nuova, Monreale, Italy, Palermo, Diocesi di Monreale, Catholic Church Records, 1531 - 1876. FamilySearch.org.
My Translation:
On 25 ditto
Made [first] the 3 usual denunciations in 3 days of celebration continue among [ ] of the Mass May the
[first] on the 31 July, the second at 7, and the third at 10. August 10th and obtained dispensation from Monsignor
Archbishop D’ACQUISTO not to replicate the aforementioned complaints for ever the term has elapsed
established for 2 months, and not having discovered a single legitimate impediment. I the regional priest D. Bartolomeo
FRANZINA, Chaplain have asked and interrogated Innocenzo BRONTE, bachelor, of the city of Palermo and
from infancy up to the present residing in this city of Monreale [ ] of unknown parents, and Francesca
VERRUGGIA, single woman, of this aforesaid city, daughter of the late Giuseppe
VERRUGGIA and the living Giuseppa SPINNATO
and have the consent of both according to words of the relatives there have joined in
matrimony in this [ ]
metropolitan church being relatives according to witnesses Domenico GENUARDO, son of the late Francesco and Pietro
GAUDESI son of the late Francesco of Monreale; and second [ ] and [ ] of this church were today [ ] Bene.
of the [ ] mass of Reverend D. Gio. Battista TUSA of [ ] [ ] from the Metropolitan church.
25 Jan 1860
Having first made the three required pronouncements on three successive festive days during solemn high mass, the first 31 July, the second 7 and the third 10 August past, and having obtained from the Monsignor Archbishop d'Acquisito a dispensation not to repeat said pronouncements although more than two months had passed, and having found no legitimate impediment, I his excellency priest Don Bartolomeo Franzina, sacramental chaplain questioned and interrogated Innocenzo Bronte, unmarried man of the city of Palermo and from birth until the present residing in this city of Monreale, whose parents are unknown, and Francesca Verruggia, unmarried woman of this aforesaid city, daughter of deceased Giuseppe Verruggia and of the living Giuseppa Spinnato, and having both made their consent by words from the present (per verba de praesenti) I united them in marriage in this principal church, there being present as witnesses Domenico Genuardo son of deceased Francesco, and Pietro Gaudesi son of deceased Francesco of Monreale, and according to the custom and rite of the holy church were today solemnly blessed in sacred mass by Rev. priest Don Gio. Battista Tusa with license of the pastor in said principal church.
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Dear Cousin Vinny:
Thank you so much for your prompt reply to my query about my second-great-grandparents' parish marriage record, Innocenzo Bronte & Francesca Verrugia. 🙂
Like night and day, the difference between my humble translation and yours makes the document so much more understandable.
Please know how grateful I am, that you would take the time to help me understand the 1860 record.
Grazie mille,
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It's much more of an art than a science. Having a lot of experience with church records (in Latin and Italian) helps to get the flavor of it.