Conrad Gottlieb Kepplingerin, Graben schoolteacher age 55 death 12 April 1757 film102078348 page 608
Translation request:
Conrad Gottlieb Käpplinger began as Schoolmaster in 1734 and served until 1754 when Johann Jakob Stober took over teaching duties. Conrad and Dorothea Heinz married 28 Nov 1726 in Büchenbronn, Pforzheim, Karlsruhe, Baden, Deutschland. Either Conrad or his wife died at age 55 12 April 1757 in Graben.
Good morning @Kent Gardiner,
On the 12th of April 1757, the wife of Mr. Conrad Gottlieb Kepplinger, school master, Mrs. Dorothea [Kepplingerin], née Heinzin, died after a 10 _____? pneumonia and subsequent catarrh/breathing problems. She was thereafter buried on the third day following with sound, singing, and a funeral sermon. Age: 55 years.
Robert, FS has this document as her death record and his death record. You just set the record straight! Thanks and good morning to you!!! Kent
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You're welcome, Kent.