Need help with translation
The underlined word comes up in the documents I am trying to decipher. Can someone tell me what the word means or implies. And if someone could translate this section it would be very helpful. Thank you, Paula Rail
The word is alhir also written allhir or allhier; it is the older form of modern German hier = here, at this place.
Translation: (this is only part of the full record)
... 15th day of the month of January at noon, which he has conceived with his wife Anna Catharina née Storch, and to whom he will give the name Anna Christina. This declaration and presentation was made in the presence of the following witnesses: firstly Henrich Storch, resident and miner here in Elmenthal, 38 years old, and secondly Johann Caspar Storch, resident and cooper in Auwallenburg, belonging to the parish of Trusen and the canton of Seligenthal, 27 years old; and both the father and the witnesses, who are not relatives, have, together with me, signed this ...
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Thank you so much. That was very helpful. Paula Rail