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One word in the section that identifies the parents in this birth record eludes me. I believe it refers to her being a widow, but it does not look like "witwe" or "wittig". Could it be "einstig"? Please help.
For context, Anna Scherbart was first married to Georg Behnke, who died in 1814. She remarried in 1815 to Peter Schmidt, who died in 1816. Widow Anna Schmidt remarried again in 1817 to Michael Wenzel and the first record of a child born to them was this one in 1819. I find it interesting that this record associates Anna with her 1st husband, not her 2nd husband.
===== Transcription =====
Bauer Michael Wenzel
Anna Scherbart [witwe/einstig?]
Ehe[frau] Behnke
May be you already gave the answer. I read "erster".
@B.Dahne ... Yes, that would make sense given the context of her first marriage to Georg Behnke. Thank you!
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@B.Dahne ... Furthermore, what I thought was an abbrev. for Ehefrau may simply be Ehe such that the record reads "first marriage" Behnke.