Struggling with translation of old German handwritten script
I see the following:
Den 9ten huius ist Herr Droschler zum Rückers mit Jungfrau[?] Gerdruta Henlin viduus Hans Henl daselbsten eheliche Tochter ...
On the 9th of this month [were married' Herr Droschler from Rückers with the unmarried Gerdruta Henl[in], legitimate daughter of the widower[?] Hans Henl ...
The -in suffix is a feminine suffix to the daughter's surname.
Note that the capital H in the word Herr is written the same as the first letter of the Hanl surname.
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I read this as follows:
den 9t huius ist Henn Droschler zum Rückers mit Jungfer Gerdruta Henlin __? Hans Henl daselbsten eheliche Tochter und sindt christlicher Weis zur Kirchen undt Straßen gangen undt haben ihren ehren Tag solennicinat, welches wirdt bezeicht.
On the 9th of this month [August 1665] Henn Droschler zum Rückers went to church and street in christian manner with maiden Gerdruta Henl, legitimate daughter of __? Hans Henl here, and have celebrated their great [wedding] day which is testified.
Note: Henn is in some regions a short form of Johann
Thank you both for help reading and translating this marriage record
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Is the word before Hans Henl possibly "witwe" (widower)?