Translation Please - Jeremias Lidel

If possible, could I please get a translation of Jeremias Lidel's death record for 24 Nov 1670, 2nd from the top on the left. Thank you!
Hello Tina,
here my transcription:
die 85 Leichpredigt
habe ich M. Johannes Frik gethan dem Ehrenhaften und Vorgeachten H. Jeremias Lidel geweßten Adjunctus auf dem Steuerhauß? d 24 Nov _ 1
and translation:
the 85th funeral sermon
have I, Magister Johannes Frik, done for the honorable and respected Mr. Jeremias Lidel, former "Adjunctus" in the taxoffice?, on 24 November __? 1
Comment: I am not quite sure what the occupation/title Adjunctus means here. Adjunctus in Latin is a helper, or deputy, e.g. for a teacher or pastor. It seems that the word before the date at the end is Steuerhaus which could mean a form of tax office, so he can have been a fiscal agent.
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The "H." is an abbreviation for "Herr" - I translated it as Mr. However, then it was more a courtesy title; not every man was a Herr. Here it underlines that an Adjunctus held a prominent position.
Thank you! @Ulrich Neitzel Do you know why there is an h: before Jeremias' name in the column?