searching Authors for Notarial records in 's Gravenhage
I have a question about searching for notary's who wrote the records in 's Gravenhage. If you look at the list of available notarial records in The Hague you realize there are 100's of notary's who wrote the records. I have several Notaries that I want to research but the Author search does not seem to work.
For example according to an index of Notary's in the Netherlands Jacob van Bijemont was active from 1677-1687 in The Hague. If I put his name in for author it comes up with nothing. My question is - is there a way to search for a specific Notary in these large cities by name of the person.
Thanks, Ira
I found this catalog entry:
You can search using the "keyword" field in the catalog.
Note that these records come from the town Portugaal in Zuid-Holland. Because 's-Gravenhage is the capital of both Zuid-Holland, some notarial records from other places in the province may be stored there, at the Nationaal Archief.