Looking for a Birth Certificate
My Great Grandfather was born in Messina in 1909. Most of the searchable records for the area end around 1900. I think I found an immigration record of him coming to the US and his name is listed as Andrea Dichiara. I was told by family that it was Andrew Dichiara. Is there a reliable place to search birth records from Messina in 1909?
Thanks, Jeff
Here's an entry in the FamilySearch Catalog for civil registration records from Messina (NB: I noticed that some later years are under a separate entry): https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/483421?availability=Family%20History%20Library
Until 1900, there's a magnifying glass, indicating a searchable index. For the year 1909, you'd need to manually browse film 1642027 on page 2 which has 2989 images covering 1908 to 1910. The notes include "include indici", - I assume "indici" means index. So hopefully there'll be some sort of alphabetical index at the end of each year's records.