Zofia Osiecka 1885 death record GenBaza_APKielce_Kielce_Opatowiec_1885_035_Pg71_No34 closeup
I would like a full translation of this death record from russian to english. Thank you so much for your help. Here is a direct link to record but you have to login to GenBaza website to view.
Zofia Osiecka 1885 death record
Record 34
Entry no. 34 Mistrzowice
In the town of Opatowiec, on the 20th November/2nd December 1885 at 10 in the morning, appeared Pavel Nadswod, forty seven years old and Ignati Wecel, 60 years old, both peasants and farmers residing in the village of Mistrzowice. They testified that yesterday, at 9 o'clock in the evening in the village of Mistrzowice, Zofia Osiecka died. She was fourteen years old and the daughter of Wincenty and Jadwiga nee Polterak Osieck. She was born and lived in Mistrzowice. After the death of Zofia Osiecka was confirmed, this act was read and signed by the author on behalf of the witnesses.
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Thank you so so much.