GenealogyBank Obituary Sources - Temporarily Unavailable All Week !?
All week (ending Friday June 4, 2021) when I look at an attached source from "United States, GenealogyBank Obituaries, 1980-2014" I have been getting a red error message: "! This content is temporarily unavailable." (as per attached screenshot).
What is going on? Do we have a long-term issue? Is this being worked on? Do we have an EDC? Is this being discussed in some other group?
Hi Jon,
I can't comment about the US GenealogyBank Obituaries but I've been having a lot of problems with Dutch records over the past week or so.
Normally FamilySearch does a fantastic job of suggesting sources to attach and tracking down sounds-like records for the province of Overijssel (which is where the bulk of my current focus is). The only type of source that still seems to work is the "census" entries (which are of little value). Until recently FamilySearch would serve up marriage, birth and death suggestions that were almost always a perfect match (except for the situation where the name Jan Hendrik and Jan are considered to possibly the same). That's all gone.
Now I have to manually search for them using the records search and it is nowhere near as effective as what the regular matching algorithms pull up.
I'm guessing that something has gone wrong on the FamilySearch back-end (I really hope that's all it is) and they have to reconfigure their search algorithms or databases. At first I was worried that they had somehow pulled/lost access to the Dutch records but, seeing as you're having problems with US records it seems more likely that this is a programming or server configuration failure.