Bogota Colombia Family Questions :)
(Nota copiada en inglés a continuación).
Hola, magos de la investigación:
He investigado mucho con registros en español, pero no estoy teniendo éxito con una mujer a la que estoy tratando de ayudar actualmente.
Nació en Bogotá, Colombia el 11 de mayo de 1953 (Gloria Jiménez). Su madre no estaba casada en ese momento y nunca conoció a su padre; pero le dijeron que él era ingeniero hidráulico y que trabajaba para la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y el Ministerio de Agricultura de la República de Colombia. Su madre le dijo que se llamaba Hernán Jiménez Solís.
Su madre le dijo que él emigró de algún lugar de Europa (¿España?) A Venezuela y luego a Colombia Bogotá. A su hija Gloria le gustaría saber más sobre su vida y herencia. He estado tratando de ayudarla, pero estoy completamente estancado. Ella cree que él tenía 30 años cuando ella nació. Ella cree que pudo haber nacido alrededor de 1920.
He intentado todo tipo de búsquedas en registros y en línea, pero no sé cómo averiguar sobre él: su historial laboral, su familia o su linaje.
Encontré a Juan Hernán Jiménez Solís en Family Search con dos padres (1915-1999). Su número de identificación es 9NTM-D36.
¿Alguno de ustedes, que son expertos en esta parte del mundo, tiene alguna sugerencia para mí?
Hello Research Wizards,
I’ve done a lot of research with records in Spanish, but I’m not having success with a woman I’m currently trying to help.
She was born in Bogota, Colombia on 11 May 1953 (Gloria Jimenez). Her mother was not married at the time, and she never knew her father; but she was told that he as a hydraulic engineer and that he worked for the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and the Republica de Colombia Ministerio de Agricultura. Her mother told her his name was Hernan Jimenez Solis.
Her mother told her he emigrated from somewhere in Europe (Spain?) to Venezuela and then Colombia Bogota. His daughter Gloria would like to know more about his life and heritage. I’ve been trying to help her, but am completely stuck. She thinks he was in his 30’s when she was born. She thinks he may have been born around 1920.
I have tried all kinds of searches in records and online, but don’t know how to find out about him—his work history, his family or his lineage.
I found a Juan Hernan Jimenez Solis on Family Search listed with two parents (1915-1999). His ID number is 9NTM-D36.
Do any of you who are experts in this part of the world have any suggestions for me?
Does Gloria have her own birth certificate? Does it list him as the father? Was he in the lives of Gloria and her siblings (assuming she had siblings)? You mentioned that her parents were married at the time, but did they marry later?
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Hi Lynn,
Gloria's parents never married. She was born out of wedlock. Gloria says one record says she was born 11 May 1953 in Bogota, and another says she was born 18 May 1953. She was born at the CLINICA DE MARLY BOGOTA. Gloria's mother's name was Helda Jimenez. I believe her birth certificate just lists her as Gloria Jimenez. Is there a way to access it? Or other birth, marriage and death records from Bogota?
Thanks so much for your response. I'm sorry I didn't see it until just now. (!)
Best regards,