I used to have a plugin of some kind that would search my portion of Family Tree and identify relati
@Nathan Twyman
G'Day Mate
Was that "Hope Chest"?
IF, so; THEN, looks like it is still available as a "Chrome" EXTENSION ...
Extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hope-chest/...
Programme: https://hopechestsoftware.com/Index.html
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no but I just gave it a try--doesn't work for me--no buttons do anything. From recent comments on the extensions page it looks like few people are having any success with it recently. Perhaps developers have given up on it.
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I don't remember and have changed computers since I last used it so I have no record of it. It may have been find-a-record (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/find-a-record/abfejejjdbkmhigbgcmgmoihbjckiklb) In any event I remember the company saying they were throwing in the towel after the latest FamilySearch API update (years ago) so it won't be functional regardless.
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@Nathan Twyman
'Yes', I think it was "Find A Record" ... I think they did do that ...
I know I have seen it some where; but, just cannot recall which one...
Here are some others that I have used in the past ...
Puzilla ... Extension
RecordSeek ... Extension
(BYU) Tree Sweeper ... But, NOT an Extension
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Puzzilla is not an extension - it is stand-alone third party product found at Puzzilla.org and is great for doing with you are asking.
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@Robert Givens
'Yes', "Puzzilla" is a programme, there is no dispute in that ...
"Puzzilla" is one of the many "Third Party" Applications that is "Certified" to work with 'FamilySearch', that is found in the "Solutions Gallery" of 'FamilySearch'.
But ...
That said ...
There IS a "Puzzilla" Extension for 'Google' "Chrome" ...
Just as there are Extensions for 'Google' "Chrome" for:
▬ Record_Seek
▬ Find_A_Record
▬ Goldie_May
and, many more
I have added, the "Puzzilla" Extension, for 'Google' "Chrome", to the Computers of my (Local) "Family History Centre", some time ago now.
And, I just added, the same "Puzzilla" Extension, for 'Google' "Chrome", to my "Laptop" Computer, some x4 Hours ago.
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Touche, Bret - The Puzzilla extension is only needed if you want to use their "New Person Service" part of the premium service. Everything else in Puzzilla runs without needing the extension. It is good to have the extension added to your FHC computers and patrons who pay for the premium service might need it if they try out "New Person" - I teach it in my Puzzilla class for my consultants but I doubt many, if any will actually use it, due to the extended time the computer takes for the little benefit it provides. I think you can find new people to add far faster than New Person. But that is just MHO.
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Have you tried using Tree sweeper in the BYU family history technology lab. It might be helpful for some this. Easy to use, it flags errors in the part of the tree you tell it to look.
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Puzzilla Premium is available for free at Family History centers. The additional options in the premium are worth using.
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Thanks to all who have responded. I am still looking for a working solution for analyzing my portion of the tree to find relatives who are missing a spouse or children. Here is where I am at:
- RecordSeek was cited, but I could not find the requested functionality in that program.
- Tree sweeper was cited, but it appears to flag all cases where there is more than a few years between children's births, which produces an unworkable number of false positives.
- Puzzilla was cited. I tried making this work all day today, but it freezes 100% of the time, never finishing the task even if I leave it running for hours.
If anyone else has alternatives to suggest I would love to hear about them. Again, my objective is to be able to scan thousands of relatives in my portion of Family Tree and identify those who are missing a spouse or children.
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Any of the desktop programs do these data problem evaluation, create a list of those needing templework. They are also helpful to track what you have done and what you haven't. They all download a GEDCOM from FamilySearch. My preference is Legacy. Legacy, Ancestral Quest and RootsMagic all have free versions. Ancestral Quest and Legacy have features that search for records not just on FamilySearch, but also other websites. Everyone should have a database in addition to FamilySearch because people in the community change the tree.
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I've not had success getting this particular functionality out of any of those. They do not solve this problem. Minor correction: these programs interface with FamilySearch via API calls--not GEDCOMs.
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Update: I tried Puzzilla all week long, at a FHL, and it would never go beyond a handful of flags. The one time it finished about 6 or 7 flags, they were all the exact same as Tree Sweeper--notes that there were more than a few years between child births. These flags litter the tree and at least in my case, 99%+ are false positives, drowning out the ability to find those who simply do not have any children listed.
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I didn't say they used a GEDCOM to interface. I said you can download a GEDCOM database from FS. I did not find Find A Record to be as accurate or reliable as Legacy Family Tree or Ancestral Quest. It repeatedly failed during the search. The legacy suggestions of additional sites is helpful.
Perhaps your memories of the plugin are kinder than mine. I found it to be slow and difficult to see what I had found before. I also love how Legacy syncs the sources with FamilySearch soruces.
This video demonstrates the statistical analysis of problems you described.
This video demonstrates LDS ordinance tracking. https://familytreewebinars.com/download.php?webinar_id=1301
This video shows how Legacy Family Tree 9 sifts through billions of records from the key websites to bring you relevant and promising matches for your ancestors. https://familytreewebinars.com/download.php?webinar_id=635
Videos for Ancestral Quest are here:
https://www.ancquest.com/AQTutorials.htm. This is what my husband uses to track his thousands of names.
Each FH Center has a premium copy of these softwares available for use. Good luck.
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I appreciate the comments given thus far. Unfortunately none of the proposed solutions work so far. Would love to hear of any alternatives or tweaks that might help with this.
I am looking for a very specific functionality, which I need to repeat because my OP was partially lost during the transition to this new communities platform--I'd like to identify relatives in my portion of FSFT that have no children AND few or no sources.
Most solutions proposed thus far essentially involve finding the "may have more children" flag in FSFT. But that flag is used mostly for identifying families that might have more children, whereas I am looking for relatives that have no children, as well as have few or no sources.
There may be no solution for this but leaving it out here just in case.
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"I'd like to identify relatives in my portion of FSFT that have no children AND few or no sources."
The improved "fan chart views" and the "descendancy view" have helped me the most to compensate for those 2 features I miss in find-a-record, especially since I don't have to leave FS.
One of the fan chart view shows missing sources. (it is limited to just the line you are working on)
The descendancy view (along with puzzilla's help) shows me lines with missing children.
(I used to use find-a-record a lot, and I miss it too. The BYU Tech Lab "tree sweeper" helps me. There is a phone app called "take-a-name" for other helps. For me, the OEM programs are a little time consuming, but they are effective.)
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RelativeFinder.ORG is good for finding your 'famous' ancestors and the many ways that two people are related. I like the way RF displays the family trees, in general Easy to read.