Looking for information on Thomas Oliver born about 1593 in Somerset, England, wife Mary Leaman. The
Do you have a location in Somerset?
Doctor Neville Campbell compiled an index of Parish records using surnames. I believe this has been microfilmed under "Doctor Campbell's Index" It is very comprehensive.
Margaret Flinn
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There is a Bailey/McGowan family tree on Ancestry.com. They have a Thomas Oliver born 1601 in Bristol married to a Mary Leaman 1603-1646.They married on 29.2.1626 in Norwich. They had 4 children first child born in Norwich, other children born in Salem. He arrived at Boston in 1637, he was married twice and died in 21 JUN 1679 • Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, United States. Is this the same person?
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This family is in the FamilySearch Family Tree. Thomas is LC7V-SBQ. Mary is GSKV-4J8.
John Oliver is L87N-M5T. There are a few people who have been working on this family. You might send a message to them through FamilySearch and see if they can help.