Inquiries for Turkish genealogy documents (only current Turkish citizens can use this) https://www.turkiye.gov.tr/nvi-alt-ust-soy-bilgisi-sorgulama
Have you searched the Catalog at the Family History Library? There are many records listed under Turkey. Where in Turkey are you looking? We have many locations listed there. Go to familysearch.org, and under the word "search" there at the top of the page, you have several items listed. One is "catalog". Click on it. In the search field of the catalog, type in "Turkey". You will then see a listing "places in Turkey". Click on that. You will then see all the places in Turkey that the Family History Library has records from. Hopefully your location will be represented. Also, under the "Search" listing, you will see the Wiki as an option. Click on that option. In the search bar in the Wiki, type in "Turkey". This will help you with your search. Below you will see a picture of the Catalog search for "Turkey", good luck!