Are you allowed to enter details of where a family member was in 1939 as long as you don't put an im
@JudiJ59 JudiJ59
Short Answer: (Enter) YES, you certainly can; &, (Image) YES, with caveat.
It DOES NOT matter whether or not an individual/person is, "Living"; or, "Deceased", you CAN enter them in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
IF, they are "Living"; THEN, they are placed in you "Private Spaces" in "Family Tree".
For reasons of "Privacy", NO other User/Patron can 'see' or access them.
ONLY you can, 'see'; and/or, access, them
Whereas ...
IF, they are "Deceased"; THEN, they are "Public"; and, everyone can 'see' them.
The same, (ie. "Living"; as opposed to, "Deceased", hold true (to some degree) for "Images" (eg. Photographs).
But, as I said there is a 'caveat'.
Basically, we are advised that, ANY "Images" (eg. Photographs) that we "Upload" to "Family Tree", that ALSO contain "Living" people in them, associated "Deceased" individuals/persons, that we wish to may "Public" (ie. And, NOT keep, as "Private" - ie. OUR Eyes ONLY, in our "Private Spaces"; THEN, we MUST obtain the "Authority"/"Permission" of the "Living" people, even if we DO NOT identify them (eg. name them).
Whereas ...
IF, they are of ONLY "Deceased"; THEN, that is fine, NO "Authority"/"Permission" required, they can be "Public"; and, everyone can 'see' them.
I hope this helps.
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@JudiJ59 JudiJ59
This may help/assist ... for starters
Most new (and, some old) Users/Patrons DO NOT understand the basic nature and premise of "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', when they join in.
Please let me explain ...
[ Please bear with me ... I am very 'Verbose' ... that is my 'Style' ... ]
We do not have our OWN "Tree" in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
We ONLY have "Branches" (ie. Ancestral" lines), that are interconnected, in this SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is NOT like 'On-Line' "Websites" (eg. "Ancestry_com"; or "MyHeritage_com"; or, the like); and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes (eg, the OLD, now no longer supported, "PAF"; or, "Ancestral Quest"; or, the like).
We DO NOT have "Private"/"Personal" 'Trees' in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' like other 'On-Line' "Websites"; and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes.
We do not even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, the "Deceased" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
You can certainly "Merge"/"Combine" any "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' with another "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', regardless of who the User/Patron was that initially created those "Deceased" individuals/persons; as, they DO NOT reside with the User/Patron who initially created them - they are "Public".
If fact, you can ONLY see "Deceased" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; except, with this 'rider', that you can ALSO only see "Living" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' that YOU created; as, they reside in your "Private Spaces".
No other User/Patron can see ANY "Living" individuals/persons that were created by another User/Patron; as, they ONLY reside in the "Private Spaces" of the User/Patron who created them.
We CANNOT even see the ACTUAL Record in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' of our IMMEDIATE Family (eg. Spouse; Children; Parents; Siblings; ETC; Etc; etc) if they are "Living"; and, they have their own 'FamilySearch' Account.
Of course, you can create your "Living" Family members; and, record them in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; but, they will ONLY be seen by you:
▬ You cannot "Share" them with any other User/Patron.
▬ You cannot "Merge"/'Combine" them with any other "Living" individual/person residing in the "Private Spaces" of another User//Patron.
There is CURRENTLY no mechanism in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' for Users/Patrons, to "Share"; or, "give permission" to "Share", the "Living" individuals/persons in their own "Private Spaces" with/between other/another User(s)/Patron(s).
There are a myriad of "Privacy" Laws within the many various Countries and Unions throughout the World - it is a nightmare to negotiate.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is used in many Countries and Unions throughout the World; and, as such, must adhere to the myriad of "Privacy" Laws throughout the World.
Hence, "Privacy" is one of the reasons that we cannot "Share" the "Living" individuals/persons in our own "Private Spaces" - it is NOT the ONLY reason; but, certainly has a bearing on the matter.
Another factor is that such would have to be 'Coded'/'Programmed' into the Programme that is "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
'Yes', these "Living" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' WILL, in fact, in many (most) cases will be "Duplicated" - unfortunately a necessary situation that currently cannot be avoided.
I know that there are "Duplicates" of the "Living" ME - at least, one for my Wife and each of our Children, not to mention my other ("Living") extended Family members.
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch' in regard to "Private Spaces" and "Living" individuals/persons:
Who can see my living relatives in Family Tree?
How does Family Tree protect the privacy of living people?
What Family Tree features are available in my private space?
Can my living relatives share a Family Tree private space to work together?
Can I transfer my Family Tree private space to another user?
Here is a good place to start, with how things work in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' (and, other programmes as well):
"Family Tree"
Getting Started with Family History
Here are the main things you need to know as you get started
How to Use the Family Tree
What is The Family History Guide?
The Family History Guide
About The Family History Guide
The Family History Guide
I hope this helps.
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Thanks for answering.
The people are deceased now. I wouldn't add them if living - I am very careful about that. I won't be putting an image up just adding details to timelines.
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@JudiJ59 JudiJ59
Regarding the "Uploading" of "Images" (eg. Photographs) ...
Just for starters ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
What rules apply to uploading memories to
[ Legal ]
Upload Guidelines and Policies
How do I upload memories to FamilySearch?
[ Legal ]
FamilySearch Content Submission Agreement
Can I add memories about my living relatives to Family Tree?
How does Family Tree protect the privacy of living people?
Who can view the items uploaded in Memories for living people?
What are private memories?
How do I make a memory private?
I hope these help.
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Hi Brett,
Thanks for the info. I do understand that it is a collaborative tree which I am enjoying being able to contribute to (they are not just my Ancestors after all).
I have watched quite a few of the Familysearch tutorials on youtube. I have also started doing some Indexing which is far easier than I imagined it would be.
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Showing residences and locations is a terrific way to help understand how a person moved around as part of their "story". Here's the "Other Information" section of my Grandfather's person page:
Notice that there were three distinct places that he lived on Madeira Avenue. He built all three of those houses.
I don't understand what you meant by "as long as you don't put an image on". In all cases though, the information you record on the person's record needs to have some source or notes identifying why that information is appropriate. In the example above, it all came from censuses and military records
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Hi Jeff,
Looking back at my question I think what I meant was that i didn't know whether I was breaching copyright between Ancestry and Familysearch.
As you have answered this then I am happy to go ahead and add the image.
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census images are in the public domain.
(government documents are not copyrighted)
I dont see any reason - you can post a census image for a family.
(even if some of the people on the census are still alive)
you arent posting anything that is not already posted elsewhere . . . .