Why is the town Tata, Komárom, Hungary not listed under the 1828 property conscription?
I cannot find the town of Tata under KOMÁROM MEGYE (county Komárom) in the (1828 Vagyonösszeírás). Neither is it shown under the towns/cities listed separately at the end.
https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/231564?availability=Family History Library
Has anyone got an idea how to find the 1828 data on Tata?
I am also interested in Tata, but these data can not be found in the Hungarian National Archive either. Tata is simple not on the list of the locations of the 1828 property census.
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Thanks for the answer. I was aware of the Urbarium tables, but unfortunately, my ancestor isn't listed. At that time he may still have been exempt from taxation being a relatively new settler from some German land. By 1828 the tax exemption should have been over, and I was hoping to find him or his children in the lists. I am not certain which village they may have been residing. They were all born in Tata. I found the catholic church records.