How to use this website (how to view answer to my posted question)?
I look at this website 1-2 times per week, however, just learned that I had (unknowingly) received responses to my question(s) about John James, the chief constable who drowned in 1834.
Would I typically receive an email notification when a question is answered?
(I received no notification).
How/where can I view those responses? Saw them on my screen for a moment and can't find my way back to them.
Thank you.
@2008 rj Notice your screen name just before this sentence, preceded by the "@ symbol. Some people use it to make sure you get notified, but some haven't learned how to use it yet. It's a great way to make sure that a person gets notified. Just type the @" symbol and begin typing the user name and a drop-down menu will appear, usually with the desired user name in one of the first two or three positions after you start typing their user name with a few characters. Select it, and then start typing your response. If everyone would do that, it would help people get responses.
A second thing to do is not to just log in 1-2 times per week, but in the upper right corner of the main page for any of the groups you'll see a little notice with an envelope where you can select how often you want to be notified of new posts (see the example attached here).
Personally, I selected "Every Post" for the groups of which I'm a member. That way I get an email each time a new post appears on line, and can either go read it in its entirety, or just ignore it if it's not one I'm interested in. And that way you will also see responses to your posts. You just open the email notification, and if you're interested in the post, click the link within the email and it will take you right here (or whatever group it pertains to), with the exact post and any replies. And if you're not interested in some of the posts, just delete the email and there's only a second or two of time taken to be done with it.
Another thing you can do is find one of your own posts, and click on your own name to open up the summary of your involvement here in the FamilySearch Community groups. Then look for your own posts (scroll down). And you should be fairly easily able to find any responses to those same posts/questions you posted.
Finally, you could try the "Search" function to search on perhaps one or two key words that you remember from your posts that would not necessarily bring up every other posts that's ever been posted (hah hah!). Obviously, using "FamilySearch" as your search term won't narrow it down enough to easily find what you're looking for, but if you can remember a fairly unique word or phrase you used in the post you're looking for, use that (without quotes) in your search here, and you may be able to find it that way.
Hopefully more people will learn to use the "@" symbol with a person's user name so it directly notifies him/her of a post pertaining to them. That way we can each help each other make this an even more user-friendly resource.
Hope this helps.
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@2008 rj I think I just found it for you 😁 (using the "Search" function and the search term "drowned" since that's not a word we'd commonly find in these posts otherwise). See if this is the group of posts you're looking for:
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@2008 rj
Provided that you are referring to this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum ...
[ ie. and, the 'Groups' therein ... ]
As such ...
Provided, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum, that you have "Checked" (ie. Enabled) your "Settings", in this Forum, to receive "E-mails" from such ...
THEN, any "Responses", to 'Questions'/'Posts'/'Polls' in this Forum; especially, ones that you, raise; and/or, answer in, will ALSO appear in your "E-mail" Client (whatever you use).
IF, you are NOT receiving an "E-mails"; as, you indicate; THEN, I suggest that you check your "Settings", in this Forum (and, it probably would not go amiss to check your "Settings" in 'FamilySearch').
Just a few thoughts ...
Is your CURRENT "E-mail" Address that in the "Setting" in, BOTH, this Forum; and, 'FamilySearch'?
Have you LIMITED you "Notifications" for any of the 'Groups' in this Forum?
Pictorially ...
Limiting Notifications
When in a 'Group', you can limit what you receive, either:
E-mail Notifications
In your, "Settings", in the "Coummunity.FamilySearch" Forum
Where to find your "Settings" ...
Go right down to the bottom of your "Settings" page/screen to "Email Notifications" - 'Check' or 'Uncheck', as you desire.
And ...
Where you "Notifications" will appear (when you have NOT looked at it for a while); and, indicated by a 'Red' Circle, with a Number ...
I hope this helps.