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Marriage Record of Emilio Heimann and Berta Roberstain at Setember 8th 1945 at Morretes city, Paraná. He was 38 years old born in 22th October 1906 in Thören, Germany. He was widow of Erna Heimann who died in 29th June 1941 at Porto União city, Santa Catarina. His parents are Guilherme Heimann and Emma Heimann from Germany, they died at Porto União city. The bride with 23 years old was born in Poland in 22th July 1922. Her parents are Augusto Roberstain with 69 years old and Lidia Roberstain with 65 both born in Poland. The witnesses were Otto Rapp with 34 years old from Poland and Joshio Matusava with 40 years old from Japan.