I need to find the exact day my grand grand father Gennaro Celia was born in Morano Calabro, Cosenza
Gennaro Celia (G3M8-CPP) was born in 1859, probably on March 23th 1859 (unconfirmed).
City: Morano Calabro, Provincia Cosenza, Regione Calabria Italy.
Son of Fedele Celia and Teresa Marranghello.
I saw that there are microfilms of Morano Calabro for 1859 in Family Search but can only be accessed from a associate library or a history center and the ones that I have near (in Montevideo Uruguay) are closed because of COVID.
Hello Diego,
It is the same situation for many of us..we depend upon an ability to visit a Family History Center. Essentially any further work for me is completely stalled as I only use the images in the catalog. Perhaps someone monitoring this bulletin board who is a member of the church can look it up for you, especially since you have the location and year. Their access is still permitted from home. If there is an index to that year's records, it shouldn't take more than 10 minutes.
Unfortunately, the other resources upon which i depend for Cosenza area records are also unavailable. The "Portale" (Cosenza State Archives index online) went down in March and I understand will not be restored. The Italian State database, Antenati, has not yet posted images for Cosenza. It is scheduled but there is no date provided as to when they will be available. For Cosenza area, essentially, we are completely stalled if we want to look for original, civil records.
My only suggestion is to join the Cosenza area facebook group and ask if anyone has an inventory of records for the town of interest. Occasionally, you will be lucky and someone has researched the town and can provide information. You are really lucky if someone can help in that manner but it is worth investigating.
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Diego, I also found an entry for Gennaro Celia who went to Argentina, departed from Naples on ship Poitu, wife Filomena Medaglia in the GEANANET.ORG genealogy website. There is a tree owned by a Patricia Alvarez. You will need to validate it is the correct person and there is no guarantee that the owner has original records to share but it is an investigative lead for further information. You will probably have to create an account on the website and then request to Patricia Alvarez for access to see the tree. Again, there is no guarantee that the tree has the information you seek, but it is worth investigating.
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Thanks for the answers!
That is indeed the correct person. Is it possible that you hadwriten the site adress incorrectly? I can't find it under geananet.org
Thanks again for your help.
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Diego, ... you are correct.....I mis-typed it. My apologies. Address is www.geneanet.org Hope this helps. This site is a popular European genealogy site. Trust its records as much as you trust anything you find elsewhere....validate sources but I find even unvalidated information sometimes provides hints as to where to look.
good luck
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If you book a 20-minute online consultation with one of the specialists at the Family History Library, they can use the 20-minutes to search the films that are restricted to be viewed at FamilySearch centers. Here's the link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/FamilyHistoryLibrary@office365lds.onmicrosoft.com/bookings/
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Ciao, devi inviare una mail all'Archivio di Stato della provincia e chiede una copia dell'atto di nascita, per la data l'atto di nascita si trova lì.
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Grazie Claudia per la risposta.
Purtroppo per chiedere una copia del ato di nacita mi chiedono la data certa di nascita.