What are the original attachments to my great grandfathers immigration record from Office of the Min
I can’t view the original passenger lis document as it’s not attached to the search result for Kiichi Nishikawa. I’d like to know if there’s additional information that would be avail from the primary source. Thanks
link to record -
This images cannot be shared with general public users due to the terms of contract with the record custodian.
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I hope you can see the image, and translation is followed.
Diplomatic Record Office
Image Folder: 4046385
Image number: 878
Passport ID: 16823
Date of Issue: Sep 16, 1898
Name: 西川貴市 Nishikawa Kiichi
Age: 16, 2 months
Destination: Canada
Date of departure: Sep 21, 1898
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Thank you!
if I were to write to the Ministry and validate my lineage, would they release the record to me? I am trying to find Kiichi’s parents names and address for a koseki request. Thank you!
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Thank you for the detailed translation!
where would be the best place to search for Canadian records? This is a big surprise since I assumed he first arrived in Hawaii. Thank you!
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Also, I don’t see image that you’re referring too, sorry I just noticed that. Thank you
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It seems attache an image at this community stage is prohibited. If i know your email address, I can share it with you.
But, this image does not have enough information for you to get Koseki.
Do you have any other clue information for your Japanese ancestors which part of Japan came from?
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Hi Keiji,
I sent you a message directly to address this. Thanks for your help!