Could someone please translate the handwritten text at the bottom of the marriage record for Giovann
Here is the link to the marriage record:
I think it has something to do with the fact that the groom is marrying the sister of his deceased wife. I would like the descriptive written section translated if possible please. Thank you, Joseph Bisazza
It looks like the two spouses were relatives and had two sons born before their marriage. The text at the bottom of the act deals with those two topics, altogether giving legitimacy to both children.
Hope this is what you were looking for.
All the best.
…..Il documento presentato è il certificato delle pubblicazioni da me eseguite <omissis> senza esservi stata alcuna opposizione.
Gli sposi hanno ottenuto dispensa dall’impedimento risultante dall’affinità tra loro esistente, con Decreto Reale in data 18 giugno 1873, com’è allegato all’atto di richiesta delle pubblicazioni numero 12 del 26 luglio ultimo. Gli stessi sposi, alla presenza dei suddetti testimoni, hanno altresì esposto che dalla loro unione naturale nacquero due figli, il primo dei quali nacque in questo comune il 14 ottobre 1889, ebbe il nome di Donato ed il cognome di Natale, per riconoscimento come figlio naturale da entrambi i suddetti sposi, e la sua tardiva dichiarazione di nascita, a seguito di sentenza del tribunale civile di Lanciano del 19 giugno ultimo, fu ricevuta nell’ufficio di stato civile di Fara San Martino il 26 luglio corrente anno,al numero uno parte seconda, e il secondo che fu affidato alla levatrice di questo luogo, Domenica Colonna(?) ebbe il nome di Gabriele ed il cognome di Olivieri, fu iscritto nel registro di nascite di Fara San Martino al numero 16 del 1893 essendosi denunciato come nato da genitori ignoti e nacque il 2 febbraio di questo medesimo anno (1893) E mi hanno dichiarato di riconoscere tali due figli col presente atto all’effetto della loro legittimazione. Letto il presente atto agli intervenuti l’hanno meco firmato ad eccezione degli sposi che hanno dichiarato di non saper scrivere.
....The document presented is the certificate of publications made by me <omissis> without there having been any opposition.
The bride and groom have obtained exemption from the impediment resulting from the existing affinity between them, by Royal Decree of June 18, 1873, as attached to the request for publications number 12 of July 26 last. The bride and groom, in the presence of the above mentioned witnesses, also stated that from their natural union two children were born, the first of which was born in this municipality on October 14, 1889, was given the name of Donato and the surname of Natale, being recognized as a natural child by both of them, and (due to) his late declaration of birth, following the sentence of the Civil Court of Lanciano on 19th June last, that was received in the Civil Status office of Fara San Martino on 26th July this year, at number one part two, and the second (child) that was entrusted to the midwife of this place, Domenica Colonna(?), who was given the name of Gabriele and the surname of Olivieri, was registered in the register of births of Fara San Martino at number 16 of 1893 having been denounced as born to unknown parents on February 2 of the same year. And (the spouses) have declared to me that they recognize these two children with the present deed to the effect of their legitimation. I have read this deed to all presents, who signed it with the exception of the spouses who have declared that they cannot write.
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Thanks Paolo. The husband married a woman who he had the two children with, then she died and he married her sister. So do you think the language is to legitimize the children within the new marriage?
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Never mind what I just wrote. I re read your explanation and it makes sense to me now. Thank you.
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