Hi, I'm new to this site and the Family tree app. Is it possible to download my family tree from anc
Thank you,
I am going to move this conversation over to the FamilySearch Tips and Tricks community so that they will be able to help you better. Thanks for asking a great question!
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Hi there, yes, you can download it as a GEDCOM file. Here is a video that I created in 2015 that shows how to do this. Ancestry looks a little different now, but it is the same way to get to it.
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When you are watching the video, this is where the Tree Settings are now. Let me know if you don't see i.
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You can also download your Ancestry tree and all the media with the free version of RootsMagic (desktop software). A GEDCOM will not have any media.
RootsMagic is certified to work with FamilySearch Family Tree. You can download your Ancestry tree, then match the people in your tree with the ones already in FSFT, and share information between RM and FSFT.
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When adding GEDCOM files to FamilySearch be sure you are NOT duplicating individuals already in FamilySearch/Family Tree!
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Family Search doesnt even have an option to upload GEDCOM to the family tree.
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Yes, there is a feature to allow you to upload a GEDCOM file to FamilySearch - see https://www.familysearch.org/ask/salesforce/viewArticle?urlname=Uploading-GEDCOM-Files-and-Copying-the-Information-to-Family-Tree&lang=en
It is best to only upload a few at a time and not try to at 10,000 names! The feature will check each name for duplicates. For any duplicates found, you have to agree or not. It is a cumbersome process and often people add many duplicates as a result. I don't recommend using it for that reason.
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not sure how long this feature has been around - for many years they just didnt allow it
yeh the days of uploading 10,000 names in a gedcom are long gone (and hopefully never return)
for all the mess of duplicates they create.
I am glad its cumbersome
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FamilySearch prefers that people use one of the certified partner programs, rather than uploading a GEDCOM. There are 3 certified programs: RootsMagic, Legacy, and Ancestral Quest. You can import your GEDCOM into the program, then match your tree to FamilySearch Family Tree, so you do not add duplicates.
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chances are - that most of your family tree - is already in FamilySearch.
did you check?