Dear Group,
I have transcribed and translated to the best of my abilities the death record for Stephanie Stevens. This was a bit challenging because the script was very small, new words and phrasing.. there are several ( ) where I just could not read the letters. I did translate by myself and then used goggle translate for the last part. Death record for Stephania Stevens, film https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3GQ-DFTQ-35?i=745&cc=2138481&personaUrl=%2Fark%3A%2F61903%2F1%3A1%3AXX6H-JDD
As Always I appreciate you. Carla
On the right side of the document : Dies 8 (7ber) September; born November 7, 1842
My transcription:
"Van het jaar duizend acht honderd vier en zeventig, ten drie ure des namiddags OVERLIJENSAKTE van STEPHANIIA STEVENS, oud een en destig jaar tien maanden en eenen dag, geboortig van Landegem, provintie Oost Vlaanderen alhier (gehuisvest) ( in Burgerlijk, gehucht ) overleden op acht September dezen jaars ten elf ure des morgens, schtgenote van Victor De Smidt, tiemmerman , tochter of Joannes Baptista Stevens, tiemmerman , oud zestig jaars , te Landegem voos ( ) (gehuisvest) en van wylen Maria Theresia Verhegge, Volgens de angiften aan wij gedaan ( voor?) Joannes Petrus Josephus Van Laer, (huisbesarger), oud negen en zestig jarens, en (voor) Philippus Verdickt, dienstbode, oud vijf en vijftig Jaren, beide alhier gehuisvest
aldus ten stadhuize in dubbel opgemaakt door mij ondergeteekende, Schepen der stad Antwepen, behoorlijk gedelegeerden ambtenaar van den burgerlijken stand en zulks wel mamij van het schreven overlijden te hebben verzeker en na voorlezing dezer hebben de Comparente benevens wij geteekend
On the 10th day in the month of September in the year 1874, at 3 o’clock of mid-afternoon, death certificate of Stephania Stevens, 31 years old, 10 months and one day, born in Landegem, province Osst-Vlaanderen here housed in ( Civil borough) hamlet deceased on 8 September this year at 11 o’clock in the morning, spouse of Victor Smidt, carpenter, daughter of Joannes Baptista Stevens, 60 years old, carpenter in Landegem, ( Voos___) housed and of late Maria Theresia Verhegge, according to the declaration we have done before Joannes Petrus Josephus Van Laer, housekeeper, 69 years old, and before Philippus Verdickt, servant, 55 years old, both here housed, Thus at the townhall duplicated by me undersigned, Magistrate of the city of Antwerp, civil servant of the civil registration and this after me of the prescribing passing away has death declared: and after reading aloud this the declarants along with me signed.
Google translated :
thus at the town hall drawn up in duplicate by the undersigned, Alderman of the city of Antwepen, duly delegated civil servant of the civil status, and this I assured me of the writing of death, and after reading this we signed the Comparente
Most of the above is correct, only some minor flaws.
Alhier gehuisvest in the Burgerlijk gasthuis is the term that you translated as Gehucht,hamlet,Civil Borough , but "Gasthuis here is simply another term for hospital.
So, in writing,...residing here , in the civil hospital. (most were Catholic then)(still)
Both Victor and Joannes are named as Timmerman,..carpenter; not tiemerman.
For Van Laer , housekeeper needs to change to 'livery at home'
The ending sentence.
Aldus ten stadshuize enz..
Formatted like this at the city hall,in double,by me, who signs,schepen (counsilmember) of the city of Antwerp, duly delegated ambtenaar of the civil office, and after i was notified of the above mentioned case of death,and after reading out
did the comparants sign with me.
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Thank you so much Adrie,
I appreciate it very much. I will go back and make those changes.
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I was just looking at the Jean Baptiste that you found in the index, and was located by
Charlotte and Paul-Marc,.;
I scrolled back in the log to te first page at Vendémaire,..at page 92
to see the year in the leading-header, it should read as "an neuf"
so if i add it up with "premier nivose,an neuf " (Stevens) it should read after conversion
Given the fact that he should be born at 1800 or 1801,this is most probably the correct one, as he is born end of December,....that is , if i'm correct with the date.....
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OHHH Adrie..
Fabulous find!! I did ask Paul-Marc for the birth date, but will wait to hear. I also found on the same roll a Maria Theresa Stevens,( image 192) maybe a sister, BIRTH RECORD with father " Charles Francois Stevens!!), again I do not understand this dating though. If in deed the date for Jean Baptiste Stevens is correct, I will ask Paul-Marc for transcription. At least there are Stevens in this area. Carla
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The name Stevens in this area is so common one can pave the street with it , like cobblestones
I can read some basic French, but not enough to translate the difficult use of the language in this.
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I LOVE that analogy about being so common that you can pave the street with it!
Where did you learn that?
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Hello, Fritz.
It is a common saying here, we use it on a wide scale of subjects.
In my dialect, we say , "ge keunt er t'straete mee leggen" .
I do not hear it over the Dutch border,altough Hulst and Axel are exeptions.
We call Hulst and Axel the most Flemish Dutch towns in the Netherlands.
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Yes it is , Fritz.
When i had to do my military service back in '79 it was rather strange to me that
other people in my regiment had difficulties to understand me because my dialect
really deviates from Eastern and Western-Flemish, as it is basically a pure
Assenede's own dialect, derived from the zeelandic Flemish;larded with East and Western Flemish.
It is a very local dialect,it has not so many speakers anymore-mostly older people
like myself..
But off course, the fascinating part of all the above cascading thread's evolution
is to see how Carla is running up the hill faster than a run-cuckoo (is that a word)?hm..;