CET and researching as you go
Currently is there any way for someone to go to a record on FS (like in the course of simply doing research) and link it from the record page to a person in CET? I can't seem to manage it, like it seems that the only thing you can do from a record/source page is link the record to a person in the big FS Tree, or add it to your source box and then go to CET and attach.
@J Purkaple Again, thank you for your feedback. Currently, there is no feature to quickly and easily copy information between the FT and your CET. That feature is being created, but not yet in production. It will be named "Tree2Tree". When that feature is put into production, an announcement will be posted in this group.
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@mynameistk no sorry that's not what I'm asking about. I don't mean sharing people and sources between the public tree and my private one, but rather the ability to go to FamilySearch Record Search, look around, find a record for my ancestor, and then (from the record page) add that source to my private tree …because currently it appears that you can only connect records/sources to individuals on the public Tree unless the record you want to add appears in a "hint" for the individual in the CET. Again I'm specifically inquiring about doing this from the record page, where there's an option to link the record you've just found to a person in the Tree if the record's not already tied to someone.
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@J Purkaple When you are attempting to attach a record to an individual, try copying the PID for the person in your CET and pasting the PID in the 'Find In Tree' input box followed by select. See if that works
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@Mark McKenzie_1 I have attempted that, but it's no good since the Tree and my CET are separate trees, and therefore it's apparently not currently designed with the ability for me to tell it "I want to attach the record on this page to a CET ancestor instead of a FS Tree ancestor."
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@J Purkaple The PID for your CET ancestor is its own PID and unique. The PID for the same ancestor in FamilyTree [FT] will have a different PID. Same person… Two PIDs… That's how the system would know which one to use when it attaches the record. I may be missing something… Get back with how it goes
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@Mark McKenzie_1 the reason it doesn't work is that since they are two different trees and the same individual will have a different ID in each tree… it's also possible to have the same ID in both trees but for a different individual on each. Here's proof of what I mean:
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@Mark McKenzie_1 also it turns out that I might've misunderstood one particular aspect of what you were saying here; but even if the ID of each person is fully unique across every CET and the FS Tree combined (each ID is used only once not just in my CET or in the FS Tree, but everywhere collectively) it still is the case that I can't attach records from the record page to people in my CET as my screenshot shows on my prior comment. I pasted into the ID search an ID number from a person in my CET …and as you can see I was greeted with "No Results."
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@J Purkaple My wording wasn't very good but yes the ID is fully unique across every CET and FT. In looking at your screen shot it looks like you may be trying to use a CET PID in the Family Tree.
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@Mark McKenzie_1 that's the issue, there's no option there to "find a CET match" which means that apparently there is no way right now to tie a source to a person in a CET from the record page and that it can only be done from the person's profile in your CET — either by utilizing the Source Box or by the record appearing under "Research Help" on the right side of the profile. If you can find a way to tell it on the record page "hey I want to link this to a CET individual, here's their PID" please let me know because I don't think it's an option currently.
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@J Purkaple Well you got me took look again… I need you to confirm what I did, but I ignored the 'No Results' [which is true, there is no PID in the FT, because it is a CET PID] and went ahead with 'Select'. The Source Linker was able to find my CET individual. Same on your end?
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I have confirmed that what J Purkaple is requesting is entirely functional. Here's what I did and experienced.
1) I went to a CET that I own and copied the PID for a person who had a Record Hint.
2) I clicked the blue Record Hint icon on his pedigree card to popup the identified record hints & clicked on a NUMIDENT hint that I wanted to attach.
3) In the resulting record popup, I clicked the "View Record" button at the top to replicate having gone to Records Search and manually searched out this record.
4) From the Record Details page (same place I'd have been if I started in search and clicked a search result) I clicked the blue "Attach to Tree" button on the right side top. (NOTE: It found that this particular record matched an individual in a different CET I am a member of and even loaded that person into the right side SourceLinker when I clicked the button).
5) Because the person loaded was in the wrong tree, in SourceLinker, I clicked the right side blue title bar "Change Person" link and pasted in the PID to the person in my target CET. That person was loaded into the right side SourceLinker and the name of the tree at the top changed to my target tree. I then did the attach.
NOTE: In my experience, it may automatically suggest the correct tree person from your desired CET, if there are not many duplicate persons in other trees you have access to.0 -
Additional note: PIDs are universally unique. There should never be a case where two tree persons anywhere in the entire system in any trees share the same PID.
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@J Purkaple With the above comments from both @Mark McKenzie_1 and @Robert Kehrer, it appears this feature is working as designed. If you encounter any further issues or bugs, we welcome your comments. Just begin a new discussion. And, thank you for testing early access CET.
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@J Purkaple @Robert Kehrer @mynameistk I'm not sure i can agree that all is right with the world here…. Here is my recent, albeit, flawed attempt to make a structured test.
Cleared All cookies. Returned to FamilySearch using saved url to Profile A in CET No 1From CET No 1 Profile A
Search Dropdown went to Search Hist Records
Searched for a record [Record 1] I knew was already attached in FT
Record 1 was found in the returned list of records and there was no indication the record had been saved to any Profile [i.e. No little tree icon]. Looks good at this point
Searched for a record [Record 2] I knew was already in a CET No 2
Record 2 was found in the returned list of records and there was no indication the record had been saved to any Profile [i.e. No little tree icon]. On to second base.
Once again using Search Dropdown went to Search Hist Records
Found some random record in the results list and selected 'Attach to Tree'; Source Linker was displayed showing Possible Matches from Family Tree in Side Panel. List was essentially a list of some of my most recently viewed FT PIDs
Entered the PID for Profile A in CET No 1 and the got the aforementioned 'No Results' notification
I was very careful to not enter FT during this. There's not only the Source Linker quirk mentioned, I'm finding the record results list display and interaction tends to be subtlety influenced by where you've been [cookies?]. The little tree icon for one… and how the Source Linker fires up when attaching a record for another.
All very hard to pin down. Sorry the lack of specifics, esp on the search results interactions I've seen
Hope some of that is useful1 -
@Robert Kehrer @mynameistk @Mark McKenzie_1 What Robert described works if the record already appears as a hint on that CET person's page under Research Help… and it also works from manual search for me now, I just quit too soon in the process. My screenshot earlier in this thread shows that when I pasted my CET PID into the search bar for finding who I wanted to attach the record to, it said underneath "No Results." Problem is, when I go ahead and tap Enter, or click the SELECT button next to the PID text bar, it does exactly what it's supposed to and allows me to connect the record to my CET person. I just saw "No Results" and gave up early without attempting to go any further and see if it would work. It probably is still a small issue that I'm met with "No Results" and have to just already know to hit enter/return anyway and that it'll do what I want.
Sorry though, Mark and Robert, for all the trouble over what is truly a much smaller glitch than I imagined. The source linking mechanism probably just needs a small thing added which allows you to say on a record, hey I want to search for people / PID in this particular CET and not the FT. Something to make it easier for someone who in the course of searching finds a record to immediately go on and attach it to a person in a CET and then go right back and attach to the same person in FT too from the same screen.
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@J Purkaple let’s see if I understand this time. You would like a “dropdown” box to select the tree corresponding to the PID you entered.
You would like further clarification/information than “no results found”.
Then you would like to also be able to attach this same source to people in multiple trees from the same screen? Is that correct?
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@mynameistk it's currently the case that when you're on a record page and you go to link that record to a PID that isn't from the big family search tree, when you type or paste it into the search bar it says no results, but if you go ahead and click select or hit the enter button it'll work, but it probably looks to most people on the surface like it won't work and so they assume it isn't going to which is what happened with me initially with this feature. There should be a way from the record/source page when you decide to attach it to a tree that it gives you the option to select if you're attaching it to a person in the family search tree or one of your CETs. So it should always have an option to attach it, like a button, even if it's already attached to someone on the big family search tree. And then once you click on the attach this record button you can tell it will I want to attach it to a PID from this tree or that tree, etc. Because right now the reason it shows "no results" is because it can't apparently search through Every single tree/CET currently in existence in the same dropdown menu under the PID search bar. Hopefully that makes sense