Translation request: Norwegian marriage record 1833
Where is this from? Can you please post a link to the actual record? Learning the handwriting from the entire page is helpful and having the actual image will make it possible to zoom in and out better with a clearer image.
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Thanks, Gordon. This is from ancestry: They are couple number 4 on the left hand page. I appreciate your help.
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I like the image viewer the Norwegian archives uses and I also like to use both copies of a vital record since one often has better handwriting than the other.
Here is the Ministerialbok record: which is the one you posted where the couple is entry 4 on the left hand page.
Here is the Klokkerbok copy: where they are entry 3 on the right hand side. In this particular record, the information here is identical to the Ministerialbok but less complete so I won't translate it.
So to work.
Entry 4
Brudgommens Navn, Alder, Haandtering og Opholdssted - Ungk. Christopher Hansen Bjugne 28 Aar
Brudens Navn, Alder, Haandtering - Pige Maren Sophie Anders-D. Bjugne 24 Aar
Hvem Forloverne - Anders Jansen, Johan Olsen, begge fra Bjugne (Klokkerbok has Anders Jahnsen)
Vielsesdagen - 30 Decbr
Om forrettet i kirken eller hjemme, og i sidste tilfæle de Bevillingens Datum - Ramnæs kirke
Hvor anført i det almindelige Jevnførestes-Register/Anmærkninger - begge vaccineret han 19 Martz 1811 hun No. 141 1820.
Grooms name, age, occupation, and residence - Bachelor Christopher Hansen Bjugne 28 years old (Note: Bjugne is his current surname and residence. It is not necessarily his birth surname or birth place. No occupation is given. Also, note that the Klokkerbok spells the place name as Biugne and the 1865 census spells it Bjuvne.)
Brides name, age, and occupation - Maiden Maren Sophie Andersdatter Bjugne 24 years old (Note: Bjugne is her current surname and residence. It is not necessarily her birth surname or birth place. No occupation is given.)
Witnesses - Anders Jansen, Johan Olsen, both from Bjugne (Note: these may or may not be relatives. You cannot assume the Anders Jansen listed here is Maren Sophie's father even if you happen to find elsewhere that it is her father's name.)
Marriage date - 30 December (elsewhere on page can see that this is Church Year 1834 which starts on the first Sunday of Advent which in 1833 was 1 December 1833 so the full date for this event is 30 December 1833.)
If performed in church or at home and if the latter, dates of Banns - Ramnes Church
Where entered in the ordinary register/Comments - Both vaccinated, him 19 March 1811, her No. 141, 1820 (Note: there is no notice of the other registry entry. This vaccination date can be very useful if they were filmed because they may be listed with their parents and the record might given birth or christening information. In this case where the fathers of the couple are not listed, the vaccination record might be the only evidence tying them to their birth information and parents. Unfortunately, checking the list of records for Ramnes, the vaccination records were not filmed. The other place where you might find information connecting this marriage record to birth records is in the confirmation records.)
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Good news!
Here is Christopher's confirmation record:
6 October 1822 - Entry 4 on the left
Christopher Hansen Braaer, parents: Hans Olsen and Elisabet Stephensdatter, residing at Braaer (Mother dead), christened 15 September 1805, (notes about his Christian knowledge and his behavior that I can't read), Vaccinated by ?? 19 March 1811.
Being 28 years old in 1833 gives an estimated birth year of 1805 which fits great with this Christopher Hansen's christening date of 15 Sept. 1805. And the vaccination date given here is a perfect match to that in the marriage record. That is enough for me to be convinced this is your Christopher.
I've got to get ready for work so I'll have to wait until tonight to check for Maren Sophie's confirmation record. See if you can find it by then. Confirmation usually took place between 14 and 18 years of age. So I would start looking in 1824 which starts here: Girls are on the right hand side of the page. I hardly ever see these indexed. You just have to look entry by entry and page by page.
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I'm pretty confident that this is Maren Sophia's confirmation even though Maren Sophia turns out to be a pretty common name and there were a couple of Maren Sophia Andersdatters:
Entry 9 on the right hand side
Maren Sophia Andersdatter Biune with parents Anders Sigfriedsen (I think It's a bit hard to read - need to check her birth record.) and Johanne Halvorsdatter Bjugne. Born 24 May 1810. (Note about knowledge and behavior) Vaccinated 5 Nov 1820.
The residence matches and it would be much more common for a women to stay living at home until she was married than for a man. The birth date fits her age at marriage, and she was vaccinated the correct year. It's too bad the marriage record only gave the entry number for her vaccination and not the full date.