New/Reinstated FS Centre

A Family History Centre located in our Stake Centre was shut down several years ago because the space was needed for a distribution centre. As the result there were no FH Centres left in our city. In 2022 a mobile FS Centre was authorized for our stake and we received 6 Chromebooks. It didn't really operate as a "mobile" centre, but a classroom was used in the stake centre to provide assistance to any patrons that came in looking for help. The laptops would be stored away at the end of the shift. The stake has now applied, and received authorization, to reopen a FS Centre and a former clerk's office is being renovated for this purpose. I have been called as the coordinator. We have received two new desktops computers for this new FS Centre. The stake technology specialist has not been able to activate these computers because we have not been able to ascertain the centre's unit number or the associated email address. The technologist, the high councilman, and myself have talked to and corresponded with various missionaries, employees and departments (Global Services and FamilySearch), and still we do not know what the unit number and the email address are for sure. For unit numbers we have been told to use the number of the discontinued centre or the unit number of the mobile centre (I realize that unit numbers are not assigned to mobile centres now but, at the time, ours was assigned a number). By the way, the unit number on the computer cartons is the number of the mobile centre. For the centre's email address we have been given several similar but slightly different addresses. No combination of unit number and email address has allowed the technologist to activate the computers. Additionally, I have not been able to gain access to any of those email addresses we were given to reset password because Global Services says the stake has not updated my calling (They have). Is there a single department or contact person that would have access to these pieces of information and be able to provide us with accurate information, assist us to activate the computers and give me, as coordinator, access to the tools we need to operate the centre? As I have already said, we been referred to various people and departments and received conflicting information, none of which has solved our problems.
I don’t know the answers to your questions but there is a “Center Chatter” meeting tomorrow evening that I would encourage you to join. You will find the link in the community group “ FSC Support Tools” They are held at 7pm Eastern, Pacific and Hawaiian times. I’’m sure they can point you in the right direction.
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@Nestor Martinez1 Nestor, I would also encourage you to join "center chatter" tonight. It is an open forum discussion where we can ask questions of the "powers that be" directly without being transferred and making numerous phone calls. Typically, the technology specialist's email is associated with the centers. Has that person (and email) changed recently? Just a thought…
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@mynameistk No, the technologist's email address has not changed. According to CDOL he has been the stake technology specialist since 2020.
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that is who the emails about equipment goes. Maybe his spam folder?
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@mynameistk He has been receiving the emails regarding the equipment issues, but so far all the combinations of FS Centre unit number and email address given to him have failed to activate the equipment. The latest email from FamilySearch Support is that "and Elder —, who has authority to run a special program, will be "fixing" the computer". We'll see.