leduke family
I am searching for any and all information on one Thomas Leduke born approximately 1281, died around 1350. He was married to Mary Ellen Fowler around 1300. His dad supposedly was John Leduke not really sure what his birthdate was, and John was married to Ann Young who was born in 1260 in Wiltshire England. I can be reached @ (email removed),thanks.
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I have scouted around without any success. There are trees with this person on Ancestry but no useful records attached. Some have attached a coat of arms but there is no certainty that this is correct. One good source of medieval genealogy is visitation records. These are county based and not, to my knowledge, available on FamilySearch (try google). However, it is uncertain whereabouts the family was located in England. Various descendants seem to be linked with Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Kent and London to name a few.