Pedigree views, the concept of "Potential Parents" and a 404 error

Is the concept of "potential parents" described anywhere? For the first time in 4+ years, I have just encountered an example in the Portrait and Descendancy pedigree views. (I have tried searching for "potential parents" in the Help Center and in the community posts, but you can probably imagine how many irrelevant results I got.)
These potential parents apparently occur when a profile has no parental associations and the viewer thinks it knows who the parents might be.
Example views
Here are screenshots of how the potential parents are displayed in the pedigree viewer. These relate to a profile for Ann Crow (KZVD-TT9).
Portrait view
Ann has 6 hints pending. Clicking on the REVIEW button on one of the potential parents causes one of the hinted sources to be opened in an "Add Parents" side panel. However, there are also potential duplicates for Ann, one of which is in a family which includes the named parents.
Descendancy view after clicking the EXPAND button
In this case, the parents have "Golden" displayed. Is this a variant of the star rating for hints or something else? They each have a SELECT button.
How does it work?
Is it determined from hints attached to the child, or the existence of a potential duplicate, or something else?
Fault in the descendancy view
When I click on either of the potential parent's SELECT button, instead of displaying the descendancy view for the parent, the viewer displays an error message.
I have found an anomaly in the display of Potential Parents. This time, the system thinks it has found potential parents for both profiles of a couple. Here is the descendancy display when the husband is the root person:
When I EXPAND this, I get this:
So far, so good. If I go back to the descendancy view, and change it so the wife is the root person, I see this:
When I EXPAND this, I see:
While this display has interchanged the positions of the couple as I expected (with the root person still being on the left), It has not interchanged the positions of the potential parents. This results in a muddled display.
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@JulianBrown38 Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will look into it and get back to you.
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Regarding you first post of March 10th, and your first question:
How does it work?
Is it determined from hints attached to the child, or the existence of a potential duplicate, or something else?
In this case, it was determined from both Resource Help "hints" and the "potential duplicate." To try and recreate what you were seeing, I went to your reference:
Ann Crow (KZVD-TT9)
and found that on March 16, 2025 another member of FamilySearch completed the merge of the duplicates you mentioned. By clicking on Ann Crow's name above, it will take you to her deleted account, and you can "View Merge Details." This merge appears to me to be correct. I cannot recreate the 404 error you received, because the merge completed the sources needed to establish the parents. You can send the other user a message in chat. By clicking on her username, the chat box will open if you would like to collaborate with her.0 -
@JulianBrown38 regarding your second question of the anomoly of potential parents for Robert Murkersie 9S8D-TD5 and Jen Bell Brown KHC4-KJY, following the exact steps that you outlined, I could not duplicate the results. This is what I saw:
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@LindaTG Thank you for following this up.
With regard to Ann Crow, I can't recall how I came upon her profile. The relationship calculator tells me that she is my 17th cousin (now), but I am not obsessive enough to have found her that way!
As for Jean Bell Brown, I had returned to her profile after FamilySearch offered me a hint based on the death registration of Jane Brown. You can't reproduce this because I have since merged the profiles of Jean and Jane. Jean is my 2nd great-grandaunt, so the hint was too good to pass up. It's been nearly 30 years since I first encountered her name; in fact, it was her two given names and those of her sister Janet Millar Brown that led me to discover the identities of their paternal and maternal grandmothers.
The problem with the convoluted display of the potential parents when the daughter is the root person of the tree is a technical issue for FamilySearch Engineering. It shouldn't be difficult for them to reproduce it in a test system if they need to.
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Regarding Jean Bell Brown, even though a merge had been done after your discovery, I did report it as a Bug with that explanation of the merge. If the engineers get back to me, I will let you know.