Need to find a birth record of my Grandmother
I have been searching for about 40 years for a birth record for Anne Campion, my Grandmother. She married Michael Gibson in 1893. I have her marriage certificate which states her father's name, which appears to be Kieran Campion ( it is difficult to read). On a census she reports that she was born in Kilkenny. She died in 1940 age 64. If this age is accurate, she would have been born in 1876 approximately. I have a family tree on Family Search. I would appreciate any help in knowing where to look next to find her parents.
@carolinemartinaclegg1 carolinemartinaclegg1
'I did not find your Grandmother's birth in 'Civil Registration' for 'Ireland' ...
But ...
I did a "Search" for the Birth(s) of an "Ann(*) CAMPION" in 'Civil Registration' for 'Ireland' between 1870 and 1880.
Take a look at this URL:
Just 'Select' a Name (and open in a New 'Tab' or "Window'); and, with the resulting screen/page, go down towards the bottom and 'Select' "Image".
You can check them all out.
There were only x2 individuals/persons for the 'Registration District' of "Kilkenny".
None of the individuals/persons had a Father's name of "Kieran" or the like.
You may ALSO want to look through these:
"Catholic Registers" of the 'National Library of Ireland'
There are several Parishes matching the search for "Kilkenny".
I hope this helps.
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Hi Brett,
Thank you for your answer. I appreciate your help.