We look forward to hearing your stories and helping you connect the dots. Please include as much information as you have (names, dates, events, places) in your discussion posts. Select "ask a Question" on the right hand down arrow in the Discussion Category. Links to sources are very helpful. We welcome your answers and suggestions for others.
I am Scott Moreland, 64% Norwegian, and have been working on my ancestral lines. I own a few Norwegian Farm books for the parishes in Southwestern Norway which have proved interesting and informative. I tried to work with WikiTree but my Gedcom file has 7400+ names and WikiTree can only import Gedcom files with 5000 or less. I am intimately familiar with the parish church registries and would like to learn more about the probate records. I do run across issues before 1700 in the farm books where an Olaf is listed as Sven's son or son-in-law, and Sven has a daughter or granddaughter Ågot which makes things interesting. I look forward to participating as a member of the group.