Transcription request, please - 1861 Berlin marriage record
In follow-up to the transcription so kindly provided by Robert and Ulrich of the 1855 Merseburg illegitimate birth of a child to August Emilie Händler, I found an 1861 marriage record for Emilie Auguste Händler that seems likely to be the same person - born in Merseburg and father was Friedrich August Händler. Would someone be willing to transcribe into German the information for the bride, please? In particular, what is written before listing Merseburg and her father's name? The next column lists her birth date of 1 March 1835. Two columns over from that appears to be for prior marriages and I would be interested in what that says, please.
The record is on Ancestry - entry 202:
Thank you!
Hello @MHendersona2,
I agree with you that this is likely the same person as the mother in the 1855 birth record.
Vor- und Zunamen auch Stand und Wohnort des Vaters der Braut: Der Schnittwarenhändler in Merseburg Friedrich August Händler.
Ob sie schon verehelicht gewesen und wie die Ehe getrennt worden: Nein. (Ist schwanger vom Bräutigam).
My comments: Regarding the bride's father's occupation: Ernest Thode, German-English Genealogical Dictionary, defines "Schnittwarenhändler" as: dry (cloth) goods merchant. In the 1855 record, the father is identifed as a "Schnitthändler" which I assume is a shortened version of the same occupation.
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P.S. Here is the transcription of the column after the column with the bride's birth date:
Ob Eltern oder der Vormund die Einwilligung gegeben und wie solches geschehen: Taufschein eingesehen. Väterliche Einwilligung schriftlich.
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Thank you, Robert! I appreciate the translation. I also appreciate your confirmation that this is likely the same August Emilie Händler who was baptized in Merseburg in 1855.
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You're welcome, @MHendersona2. Even though the mother's forenames are reversed in the 1855 record and the 1861 record, this does appear to be the same person, especially given her father's name and occupation in both records.