Knonau ZH - 1649 - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - Urmi & Lüßin - Alexander & Anna
Alexander Vrmi, der Ehegaumer vnd Anna Leüsßj
Ihre 3 Kinder:
Barbelj, 4 jahr, 25 woch(en) allt
Vrendlj, 3 jahr v(nd) 6 woch(en) allt
Gertlj, 2 jahr alt
I have summarized this plus the data from 1670 in a table on Geneal-Forum.
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Wow, well done all the way around. I looked at FS and was unsure if they actually had 16 children. They did. The chart is very helpful in understand the family. Thanks for all the hard work. I did notice Verena's note: obit noted in the baptismal entry. In my other records they would often add death and marriage dates to the baptismal entries.
I am curious if you got all this information from FS or do you use another source? All the best, KG
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I am curious if you got all this information from FS or do you use another source?
Are you referring to the FamilyTree on FS? I am very reluctant to use these data - too many errors! In this case, however, I had the names and estimated birth years from the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis as primary source. The baptismal dates in FS agreed - so I am fairly sure they are correct - and have quoted them (with a corresponding note about the source).