war doduments from Poland
I am looking for war documents. Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg from 1866 - there is one person who wants to know if his ancestors are listed somewhere there. I only speak German and English - not Polish or Russian. Here are the names this person is looking for (locations in German):
Valentinus Janicki geboren 4.2.1800 in Bedzitowo (wahrscheinlich schon zu alt für eine Teilnahme am Krieg - er wäre 1866 66 Jahre alt gewesen)
Petrus Jewasinski geboren 27.6.1801 in Wreschen (wahrscheinlich schon zu alt für eine Teilnahme am Krieg - er wäre 1866 65 Jahre alt gewesen)
Adalbertus Poturalski geboren 13.5.1821 in Wreschen
Stanislaus Poturalski geboren 18.4.1826 in Wreschen
Sylvester Janicki geboren 30.12.1841 in Miloslaw
Can anyone find something to that topic? Or are there death records for these 5 persons?
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It would be a big span of years to search for those death records. You can do it by identifying the location, some names of places occur in various areas of Poland. You may use pilot.pl which is equal to mapa.szukacz.pl, use Polish version rather than English to avoid translation of the names of places, Download the map, X the advertisements, click on Ukryj next to Hotele on the right, to eliminate all Hs which are hotel advertisements, enter name of place in the top box on the right, check distance by moving mouse without pressing on it from the selected place on the map to another place, you will see distance in the right lower corner in red box. Use circles to zoom in and out.
Use geneszukacz.genealodzy.pl - indexed records for entire Poland to see if you can find there the birth records of your people, then try to search for death records. Click on British flag to get headings in English.