Pedigree potrait view
I was very reluctant to change & have been using for about a week & I am very impressed with the powerful graphics. I still have not mastered it totally as having to be very careful in the order in which my tree members is opened to view, or it gets in a muddle & confusing. To be able to view 16 generations of my tree on one page is very good. I was getting to a position of no blue dots, & very few persons with duplicate parents. So I suppose in my scenario is less confused than most peoples? I think I have got to 5th great grand parents with only a few persons missing so I find the searches are much faster now as is mostly complete again maybe favours my scenario more than others.
Thank you for your feedback. We are pleased to hear that you are impressed with the powerful graphics. There is a learning curve getting used to the new Portrait View, but it appears that those who stick with it find it is more helpful than they expected.
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I agree 100%
I manage over 12 Family trees. Now entering my 50th year of assisting Families.
The New Portrait View, better allows me to show my patrons online their WHOLE Family.
Visually and Graphically.
As well as being able to go directly to every person's page, and back to "portrait view" seamlessly.
The black background is perfect, it allows us old folk to visually see better.
Perfect. Thank you
PS I use it daily and lean many new features. Well Done!