Group Admins Need Better Info To Approve Members
I recently invited many to join a group. When they sign in to FamilySearch, they get a "Join Group" screen that tells them the group name and what they are agreeing to. They need to select two checkboxes indicating that they've read and agree to certain things. Then they select "YES, JOIN".
When the Admin gets a notice that they are trying to join, the admin can only see the person's FamilySearch ID. This ID is often related to a maiden name or a nickname or nothing at all. The ID is the ONLY thing the admin has to go on to decide if they will approve the person or not. The ID is often not enough, especially in a large group.
I suggest one or both of the following:
- Require the joining person to enter something in a new field on the "Join Group" screen that will tip off the admin who they are or why they should be approved to join. This info would be presented to the admin to help them decide if approval is appropriate.
- FamilySearch 'knows' who the person is that is trying to join. They have their real name, not just the FamilySearch ID, or I think that this is known info. I propose that FamilySearch give the admins more info on the person: their real name or the names of their parents.
Thanks for this great family group thing! I can't wait for new features!
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@scote Thank you for this idea. Others have also mentioned that it is difficult to know who is requesting to join a group by only their Contact ID. The product team is working on ways to make this work better.