Translation Request For Danish Record
For the groom (1st column) it reads: Rasmus Henrichsen a bachelor in Ormitzløv Bye (Ormeslev? Village). 26 years old. He had smallpox naturally (ie. he didn't need to be vaccinated) according to a certificate from District Surgeon (Doctor) Goelrich"
For the bride (2nd column) it reads: "Maren Hansdatter, a servant girl in Ormitzløv (Ormeslev), 28 years old. She had smallpox as a child according to a certificate from District Surgeon (Doctor) Goelrich"
The 3rd column lists the bondsmen who are: farmer Anders Mortensen in Ormitzløv and farmer Rasmus Christensen in Vemmeløv (Vemmelev). The initials AMS and RCS are probably their "signatures". AMS = Anders MortenSen and RCS = Rasmus ChristenSen. See this article in the FamilySearch Wiki for information on Scandinavian Engagement and Marriage records:
The 4th column is labeled "Marriage day", but I believe 28 July 1827 is the date the engagement was recorded.
The 5th column is the marriage date. It reads "Married the 2nd of November 1827 in the church".
The 6th column is the page in the "Jevnførelses Register = Comparing Index" where the marriage entry can be found: page 535 is for Rasmus (entry 4):
. Page 525 is for Maren (entry 3): .0 -
Thanks you very much!