Inactive CET

It seems to me, that some users of the CET would upload a GEDCOM file and then merely leave it uploaded and not use it as a working family tree as is the case with the Pedigree Resource uploads already in existence. There is a link in the Genealogies section of the website that allows users to “Upload your individual tree.” There is also a link that goes to an explanation of the FamilySearch Family Tree that says “Go to the Family Tree” but takes you to a page that has a brief explanation about the FamilySearch Family Tree and a way to search for a name. Without more explanation this link to upload a family tree may be very confusing. (Actually, there is no real explanation of the status of the uploaded Pedigree Resource File (PRF) trees. But this feature has been a back-door way for people to upload a GEDCOM file directly into the FamilySearch Family Tree usually with extreme consequences causing significant duplication. Some users have uploaded multiple copies of their personal family trees (as I did years ago) and are still regretting the duplication and inaccuracy of the uploads. This backdoor PRF trees issue needs to be reevaluated to differentiate it from the CET. I suggest that having this Pedigree Resource version of an uploaded GEDCOM has run its course and should discontinued. If a person wants a copy of their file to be preserved, let them use the CET and not have multiple GEDCOM files being integrated into the FSFT.
The entire Genealogies product, including its Gedcom upload tool, is slated for End-of-life and to be retired as a product at some future date. Here's some of the details around what that means:
- We will, on a future date, be turning off the current Gedcom upload tool. At that time all new uploaded Gedcoms will instead create a new CET. PRF will then become a static dataset.
- We have a plan for transitioning the data in the Genealogies product to the new system as collections of tree data prior to Genealogies being shut down.
- Current thought is that, wherever possible, each tree previously submitted to PRF will be converted into a CET in controlled-edit and the users will be thanked for uploading their Gedcom previously, informed that we have upgraded their tree to a new CET (with explanation about what that means) and will be invited to come and begin building the tree on FamilySearch. If the previously uploaded tree from PRF is hopelessly out of date with their current CET, which now represents their best research, they can delete that tree.
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When the PRF becomes static and the uploaded GEDCOM CET and a connection is made to the FamilySearch Family Tree, I strongly suggest that the ability to add an entire GEDCOM or the entire data from a CET be eliminated and that the CET only allow individuals to be changed in the FamilySearch tree one at a time. It would also be helpful if there was some filter that would prevent individuals in the CET to change individuals or add individuals to the FamilySearch Family Tree without a source. In other words only allowing a change when the information from the CET have sources.
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I do not know of any method by which an entire Gedcom uploaded to the legacy Gedcom→PRF tool, nor from the future CET, can be added wholesale into Family Tree (FT).
In the legacy tool the uploaded Gedcom, which is added to the PRF dataset, is compared vs FT and a user is presented with lists of "Already in Family Tree", new names not in FT which a user can "Add to Family Tree" and also "Potential Matches" that need to be evaluated. These are evaluated one-by-one.
When the new CET are complete, PRF will become static, this legacy Gedcom upload to PRF will be turned off, and all new Gedcom uploads will create a CET. Users will, eventually be presented with high confidence matches, using algorithms similar to those used for "Possible Duplicates", alerting the user to persons who are likely in both the FT and the CET. Users will be able to align the families of the matches individuals across the trees in a tool similar to the current SourceLinker, but enhanced with Tree2Tree features. They will be able to resolve discrepancies between the trees by copying sources, notes and vital data between the trees. When one tree extends the other with new generations, which have been determined with high confidence are NOT in the other tree, the user may be able to copy entire persons from one tree to the other.
—-The suggestion of requiring evidentiary sources for FT edits is good. It has been thought about before and I'll bring it up for review again.