busco a mis tatarabuelos abuelos
Estoy en busca de mas datos de mis tatarabuelos. Se que su hijo Anacleto Poblet nacio en sauzal Cauquenes el 7 julio de 1841, y sus padres eran Gavino Poblet y Bernarda Zerda o Yerda. Quisiera encontrar sus fechas de matrimonio para ampliar mi arbol.
Agradeceria de su ayuda, he buscado en los registros de la iglesia pero no encuantro mayor informacion que la que ya he mencionado
Translated: I'm looking for more data from my tatarabuelos. If his son Anacleto Poblet was born in Sauzal Cauquenes on 7 July 1841, his fathers were Gavino Poblet and Bernarda Zerda or Yerda. I would like to meet your wedding parties to expand my tree.
Thank you for your help, I found it in the church registers but no more information than you mentioned
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Translation of @SotoMónicaElizabeth1 's post:
I am looking for more information about my great-great-grandparents. I know that their son Anacleto Poblet was born in Sauzal Cauquenes on July 7, 1841, and his parents were Gavino Poblet and Bernarda Zerda or Yerda. I would like to find their marriage date to extend my tree.
I would appreciate your help, I have searched in the church records but I cannot find more information than what I have already mentioned.