How does the switch to the new source linker work?
I submitted a problem with source linker (the old one) and someone replied to me asking if I could see the banner on the top in the source linker page, and I said no. I'm using Firefox on a windows 7, windows 10 and android cell phone in desktop mode, and don't see it on any of the browsers/devices there.
So I went into work and fired up familysearch on Chrome and I see the bar there, so I switched to the new one, and I see a difference… in Chrome.
But going to my phone, with firefox in desktop mode, I still see the old source linker , and still no bar asking about the switch.
So how does the switch to the source linker work? On a per/account basis or per/device basis?
And why isn't that notification bar/switch showing up in firefox?
I use Firefox basically exclusively (Win10). I have been using the new Linker since January, and always see the stripe across the top.
The best I can think of is that you must have Firefox set up on all of your devices to disallow something somewhere? Like how my spouse the tech support guy habitually runs everything in hypervigilant "all processes must ask permission Every Single Time" mode?
What happens if you try it in Edge?