Copied from a Discussions Post in the No Longer Active Australia Research Group
March 19 edited March 19
Hi everyone,
My message below :
"Hi, I'm looking for records of arrival and / or staying of 3 Belgians coming from Argentina ( where they were living ) to Australia, before 1899. 1899 being the year of their ( son and ) godson's baptism in Argentina, a baptism whose certificate states that they were domiciled in "Australia 1586" (1586 ??). A man : Joannes Jacobus ( or Jean-Jacques or Juan Santiago ) MOEREMANS, born 27-12-1855 in LEEST Belgium. The man's daughter : Amelia Eleonora MOEREMANS, born 28-12-1882 in MECHELEN, Belgium. A woman : Catherine Rosalie LEOPOLD, born 18-02-1842 in MECHELEN, Belgium. J-J Moeremans and C.R. Leopold were not husband and wife, but parents-in-law of their respective children, who were married. Thanking you in advance for your time and efforts."
received a negative response fron the National Archives of Australia. Attached, the baptism certificate in Argentina, mentioned in my message.
I would like to know first if anyone has an idea of what the code "1586" following the word "Australia", in the "domiciliation" section in this baptism certificate, could mean ? Of course, any additional help will be greatly welcome. Thanks in advance.
In quickly looking at the document you provided the link to a handwritten "Australia" first appears followed by a handwritten year in which the second number is written over. Could the number have been an 8 vs a 5. This would have made the year 1886 vs 1586 which was then subsequently transcribed incorrectly twice in the document.
I would be interested to know if anyone else in the group has looked at the document and thinks this could be a possibility where the document reads "Australia 1886" vs "Australia 1586". At first glance this seems like a possibility.