Husband & Wife display in flipped position for 1 generation
The standard display seems to be to always have the husband (male - blue) on the left of screen & wife (female - pink) on the right of screen in the pedigree. But in the case of Mark & Denise, they are flipped. They are correctly linked to their respective parents & child. They are correctly coded as to sex and display with the proper blue & pink colors, just their position is wrong in the pedigree. They are the only ones in the pedigree that are flipped like this.
This usually happens when one or both of the couple's sex has been changed after the relationship was created.
You can fix this on the person page by clicking edit on the couple's relationship and clicking the "Switch Spouse Positions" link
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@Taysom, Daniel B. You picture has been edited to hide information on living individuals. This is for your safety and privacy, per the Code of Conduct
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AnneLoForteWillson - thanks for that edit to the screenshot. I thought my post would only be viewable to the programmers...
lyleblunttoronto1 - I tried what you suggested, but for some reason the 'switch spouse positions' is not available to me in this situation. See screenshot below. Any additional ideas?
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I have a similar, but more complex issue. When I am on the left ( husband ) there is an arrow for my siblings. There is not an arrow for my wife's siblings.
Then I click on my wife and get the info panel on the right of the screen ( not going to her Person page ). Clicking on Tree in the info panel switches to have my wife on the left and me on the right.
Now She has an arrow for siblings and I do not. I can flip back and forth repeatedly switching our positions and the sibling arrow.
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There a couple of items involved here.
First: whoever is the main person in the tree will show up on the left-hand side of the couple. So if I look at my tree, I will be on the left. If I click to view my husband's tree, he will be on the left.
Second: FamilySearch trees now can record same-gender marriages. Part of that required a change from husband/wife designation for a marriage to Person1/Person2 designation. Now, Person1 is always on the left and Person2 is always on the right. You will also see on a Person page that Person1 will be the spouse on top and Person2 will be the spouse on the bottom. As Lyle Toronto showed, there will sometimes be a Switch Spouse link in the marriage information for the couple. But it isn't there for individuals already created and it isn't there after you have switched the order once (ie. you can't keep flipping the order of the spouses back and forth).
One issue with this Person1/Person2 thing is that whoever shows on the left-side is if I (wife) am showing as the main person in the tree (on the left-hand side) and add my own children to my tree, they will show with me as Person1 and my husband as Person2. So just be aware of how the tree looks before you add children to a couple.
We are all so used to husband/wife designation, just recognize that it will be a bit of work to adjust to the Person1/Person2 designation. I am personally so glad that we can now record all these family relationships and share memories and stories with all our family!
@ClarkKennethC That the sibling arrow only shows on the main person of the tree appears to be an effect of that view. I will check with product team to see if this was intentional or a bug.
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1st: I believe there should be an option to keep the Husband/person 1 on the left in the tree & Wife/person 2 on the right.
2nd: My sister & her husband got messed up with this change. On the person page, she was shown in the person 1 place. I was able to use the switch spouse positions link. But it shouldn't have changed.
Things are going to get messed up with this recent change!
THERE should be a warning put out about this change!!!!
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There is also a #bug relating to the Husband/Wife switching positions.
This screenshot after refreshing the page:
Then click on collapse the children and then click on expand the children we have this screenshot: